Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cigarette minifilterstake off ±60% of the tar and nicotine.
They are made in Italy since 1982 and exported in many countries around the world.

David Ross International s.r.l.
Via S. Bernardino da Siena, 25
22100 Como (ITALY)
tel. +39.031.507817
fax +39.031.507693

skype castellettienrico


Information on the processing of personal data

Art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003 and GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679


In compliance with the Legislative Decree n.2003/196 and the GDPR European Regulation n. 2016/679, we are to provide you with the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing your personal data, as well as the use of communication and the nature of the data in our possession and their conferment.



The personal data provided by your company, even verbally in the past as well as those provided in the future, will be processed by the Data Controller for the following purposes:

  • management (sending information to interested parties, sending orders, checking consignment, customer service activities, etc ...);
  • administrative and accounting (organizational, financial, internal controls, etc.) including the verification of solvency also through the consultation of public lists and / or authorized suppliers;
  • protection of the rights and interests of the Company, litigation management, judicial disputes, credit recovery, etc ..;
  • fiscal (assessment and verification of any administrative and / or penal sanctions, etc ...);
  • commercial, marketing and promotional;
  • fulfillment of legal obligations.



Personal data are stored both on paper and automatic method, in compliance with confidentiality and security rules.

The processing will be carried out on the basis of the data in our possession and with your commitment to promptly notify us of any corrections, additions and / or updates.



The data are currently processed and stored in Como, via S. Bernardino da Siena 25 and / or at companies charged  on our behalf to carry out technical, development, management, administrative and accounting activities.



The use of data is mandatory for the purposes mentioned above, any refusal to supply them in whole or in part, may not allow to carry out one or more services.



All data can be communicated:

  • to employees and collaborators;
  • to third parties who act on our behalf;
  • to banks for the management of receipts and payments;
  • to credit protection companies;
  • to credit recovery companies; 
  • to computer consulting company;
  • to consultants and other professionals, such as Notaries, Lawyers, Accountants, etc ..;
  • in other  cases provided for by Law.



Your personal data will be processed within the European Union.



The data provided will be stored in our archives for no more than 10 years after the last processing operation as established by Law, except for any delayed payment that justify the extension.



According to data protection laws you have the right to:

  • obtain at any time access to your data;
  • obtain the origin, the purposes and methods of processing;
  • obtain updating, correction or integration of your data;
  • obtain the identification of the Data Controller and of all the subjects to whom the data can be communicated;
  • obtain the cancellation for data that do not need to be kept;
  • obtain the limitation of the treatment in the cases provided for by article 18 of the Regulations;
  • receive your data in a commonly used format, readable by automatic device;
  • object the processing of data at any time if they are processed for marketing purposes;
  • propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority.



The data controller is DAVID ROSS INTERNATIONAL SRL, via S. Bernardino da Siena 25, 22100 Como – Italy - - ​​Tel. 0039.031.507817.

The list of data processors can be consulted at the Data Controller's headquarters.



In the absence of your different communication we consider ourselves authorized to process your data according to the applicable legal criteria.